Friday 28 September 2018

français 9, vendredi, le 28 septembre

We completed our 're' verb quiz today and are starting to look at possessive adjectives.  I assigned a sheet but have no yet put a due date on it so it it up to the student if they want to complete it this weekend or later on.  Due date will be sometime next week.  Bon weekend à tous!

français 8. vendredi, le 28 septembre

In French today I handed out a review sheet for the quiz on Tuesday.  Once again, the quiz is on être, body part, days of the week, months of the year , colours and the words le, la, les, un, une and des.  There was no homework assigned except studying for the quiz.  Bon weekend à tous!

Thursday 27 September 2018

français 9, jeudi, le 27 septembre

There is a short quiz tomorrow on 're' verbs, phase 3 in the verb sheets.  Students should be aware or four different er verb conjugations.   Examples of these conjugations are in the back of the text book.

Today in class we reviewed re verbs, finished some pre-presentation exercises and began research for the unit final presentation.   Students MUST refer to their vocabulary sheets when planning their presentations.  They must also follow the guidelines set out on on the Plein Air Project sheet passed out in the second block.

Wednesday 26 September 2018

français 8, mercredi, le 26 septembre

Today we reviewed the verb être, as well as numbers up to 50.   We also signed out unit text books, completed the first page of the unit and did some duolingo practice in the lab.
There will be a quiz next Tuesday on être, basic animals, basic body parts, un, une, des, months of the eyear, days of the week and colours.

Monday 24 September 2018

français 8, lundi le 24 septembre

we continued with presentations from last day and worked further on the verb 'être, which we will do again tomorrow.  No homework was assigned. 

français 9, lundi le 24 septembre

Today we completed a quiz on 'er' verbs.  The next quiz will be on Friday and it will be on 're' verbs.  Due tomorrow is the pre-unit presentation and everyone,  unless previously absent will be required to present. 
Also today we did some pages on body parts which is part of the review.   These were not homework and I expect there will be some more class time to finish them. 

Wednesday 19 September 2018

francais 8, mercredi, le 19, septembre

être sentence homework was due today.  Today was also presentation day.  We evaluted a few presentations and explored what was successful and what was not.  The remainder of the presentations will be on Friday.  The students that did not present today are at an advantage, as they can tweak their presentations as per the class feedback today.

Tuesday 18 September 2018

Français 9, mardi le 18 septembre

Yesterday, we introduced the BAGS concept which is the how to properly use adjectives before or after a noun. 
We are now in the middle of our review on er ver conjugation and are doing various exercises to practice and review the concepts.  Verb packages are due Thursday.  Also a future prôche assignment is due Thursday.  Tis includes 10 sentences in the affirmatif and 10 sentences in the negatif.  First write the sentences in french then translate them.  Each pronoun should be used once and a different er verb is needed for each sentence.   Late hand-ins are docked marks as indicated on the course outline. 

français 8 mardi, le 18 septembre.

Yesterday, we reviewed classroom commands.  It should be the goal of each student to try to use a new command each day.  Conversational French takes effort and the classroom is a great place to practice!  We also worked on our Zoo booklet.  This was not assigned for homework and will be on- going in class as time permits.
Today we completed the second sheet in or conversations package that deals with asking and answering basic questions.  Material from this booklet will be used in the oral mid term test at the end of October. 
We introduced conjugation regarding être today and completed some sheets on the verb.  The presentations on the French countries are due tomorrow.

Friday 14 September 2018

Français 8, le 14 septembre

Today we went over 'classroom commands' in our conversations section and completed that sheet.  The goal is for students to use a different phrase each day in the class. 
Next we did a short tutorial on power point so we can make our french countries presentation as effective as possible.  We worked on those presentations for the rest of the class.  Due date TBD.
No homework.  Have a nice weekend.

Français 9 vendredi, le 14 septembre

We had a verb quiz today and anyone unable to write it due to sickness or absence will write Monday at lunch.  It covered aller, être, fair, avoir in present tense.

After the quiz we continued on er verb sheets.  This should be complete for Mondays class, however, if there are  problems, we will go over the concepts so no panic.

All previous verb sheets were due today and those that did not hand them in need to get them in asap.  A late mark will apply for late hand-ins as per the course outline.

Thursday 13 September 2018

Français 8, le 13 septembre

In French 8 today, we introduced the phrase qu'est-ce que c'est and reviewed body parts.  This is something that students can practice at home with a partner, but is not mandatory at this point.
We completed our first page in our 'conversations' hand out.  These questions will be used for the oral test at the end of October.   On these sheets the phrase Il y a was introduced along with other relative vocabulary. 
We also spent sometime on the Comment ça va posters which are due on Monday. 
In the second block, we worked on the French Countries project.  In this project they are responsible for presenting on a French speaking country somewhere around the world.  Criteria was handed out in advance with a rubric (evaluation sheet) This will be due next week. 
Tomorrow we will be working on classroom commands, which is basically be able to understand and use basic questions in the classroom. 
Body parts worksheets were due today.  Anyone with an incomplete assignment must complete it asap for a mark. 

Wednesday 12 September 2018

French 9 Wednesday

Verb quiz is on Friday aller, faire, être and aller
we started the Outdoor adventures unit with some conversation exercises
we did the national parks worksheets due on Friday

Tuesday 11 September 2018

français neuf mardi, le 11 septembre

We continued on verb review today and completed sheets on être, aller, avoir, and especially faire.  These sheets are due tomorrow for a full homework assignment mark.  Friday there will be a quiz on all these verbs in the present tense.   Students should know how to conjugate the four verbs in affirmatif and negatif forms. 

Français 8 mardi, le 11 septembre

We are in the body parts unit.  Students are to complete the package handed out today and it will be checked tomorrow.  We will have more time for the Comment ça va poster and it will be due on Friday.  The poster must be in full colour, with ça va statement on the top and reply on the bottom.  everything must be labeled.  A minimum of 8 parts should be identified.

Monday 10 September 2018

French 8 Monday, September 10th

Review numbers 1 through 19 and introduced 20 to 29
Review of Comment ça va and practiced conversations
Introduced body parts and started comment ça va poster due Friday

French 9 Monday

Review être and avoir
Introduced aller and some negative forms
Used aller in the future prôche tense
worksheets assigned
Review package is due for completion
 on Wednesday
Verb quiz on Friday

Thursday 6 September 2018

French 8 - Thursday, September 6th
We reviewed days of the week as well as the alphabet.  Completed sheets in class.  Introduced numbers from 1 to 20.  No homework assigned.
Thursday, September 6th - French 9

Signed course outline sheets are due by Friday. 
Today, we reviewed the pronunciation of the l'alphabet and days of the week as well as months.
Introduced the verb être and started worksheets relate to the verb in present tense.   Worksheets from yesterday, today and tomorrow will all need to be completed by next week.  Exact date to TBA. 

Tuesday 4 September 2018

Tuesday, September 4th

In both French 8 and French 9, course outlines went home.  These outlines are to be completed by the parents and initialled.  This will count as a homework assignment and students will get full credit for the assignment if it is handed in by Friday. 

Français 8, mardi, le 17iéme janvier

In French 8 today we continued with review, in particular, ir verbs and indefinite articles.  Tomorrow there will be a quiz and the written ...